Saturday, June 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've Been tagged by the sweet Birdie of Aunt Mays Cottage. Maybe more information than you want to know but here goes.

It's a get to know you tag and I need to answer 5 questions and pass it on to 5 friends.

Where Have You Traveled?
We owned a motor home for years and loved traveling, Have visited most states up and down the East Coast, Visited Calif, and Canada, Lived about 4 years in Florida when we were first married.

Where Would You like to Live? I am very happy living in the mountains of West Virginia. A very small community where everyone knows everyone else. Since My children are in Tennessee if I moved it would probably be there.

What is your decorating Style? I guess you could would call it Shabby and Victorian but if I like something I always find a place for it, I think our home shoud be what we like and enjoy and reflect this and mine does in every way.

How Many times have you been Married? Only one time, since 1969 to the most wonderful man in the world, Darrell, Can't imagine my life without him, Sometimes seems like we were born together and sometimes like just yesterday.

Favorite Color: I, like Birtie, guess it would be shades of Rose.

What is your Proudest accomplishment? Being Married for 39 years to the same man and my two children.

What would we be absolutely shocked to learn about you? Nothing real shocking here, We live a very simple and laid back life, Enjoy family and friends and my lord.

Now my Tags go to:
Kathy of Treasured Heirlooms
Katie of Rose Breeze Boutique
Rhea, of Sweet Rhea
Shirl of Shirls Rose Cottage and
Sharon of Sweet Victorian Rose.

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